Draw Motor

Draw Motor

Pick a car, flip it over, and drive as far as you can A entertaining game called Draw Motor features images that look like they were sketched on paper.

Try out some wild antics in Draw Motor. Pick a car, flip it over, and drive as far as you can A entertaining game called Draw Motor features images that look like they were sketched on paper. The game offers a multitude of levels as well as an unlimited mode!


How to play 

- Learn the various drawing tools and brushes available.
- Experiment with different color palettes and blending modes.
- Use layers to easily edit or undo parts of your drawing.
- Zoom in and out to add fine details or work on larger areas.
- Take advantage of any symmetry or mirroring tools for mechanical drawings.
- Try different canvas sizes and resolutions based on your project needs.
- Look for shortcut keys to improve your drawing efficiency.
- Study reference images or diagrams if drawing motor vehicle parts.
- Practice drawing basic shapes and proportions first.
- Have fun being creative and don't worry about perfection.